History of FreeBSD – Part 3: Early Days of FreeBSD

history of freebsd

FreeBSD 1.0 was released in 1993. In this third part of our series on the history of FreeBSD, we start tracing the early days of FreeBSD and the events that would eventually shape the project and the future of open source software.

History of FreeBSD – Part 2: BSDi and USL Lawsuits

history of freebsd

FreeBSD’s history is complex and, at times, troublesome. The BSDi and USL lawsuits will always be remembered as a period of tension in the history of FreeBSD, and they nearly led to the downfall of FreeBSD. Check out curious events in the past of our beloved open-source OS.

bhyve: The FreeBSD Hypervisor

Virtualization at a glance

You know about VMware vSphere or VirtualBox, but do you know about FreeBSD’s bhyve? FreeBSD has had varying degrees of support as a hypervisor host throughout its history. But none of them was consistent up to 2011, when bhyve was added to FreeBSD and it has seen continuous development ever since. Dive into the early days of bhyve, recent commitments and what’s next for our hypervisor.

Dummynet: The Better Way to Build FreeBSD Networks

Learn how to build better FreeBSD networks with Dummynet. Dummynet is the FreeBSD traffic shaper, packet scheduler, and network emulator. It allows you to emulate a whole set of network environments in a straight forward way, it has the ability to model delay, packet loss, and can act as a traffic shaper and policer. Follow our guide to learn how!

History of FreeBSD – Part 1: Unix and BSD

FreeBSD has been around since 1993, and its development has had some turning points in history. During this entry of our History of FreeBSD series, we talk about how Unix came to be, and how Berkeley’s Unix developed at Bell Labs.